Episode 12 Pt. 02: The First Step to Healing, is Learning to Forgive Yourself

Now, lets see if we find out about the cranky old man..

Part two of our Forgiveness discussion, forgiving yourself.

In our opinion this is the most important part of your healing journey. Without being able to forgive yourself you will hold on to things that you no longer need to, things that should of been dead and buried a long time ago.

Set yourself free and allow yourself to be forgiven.

We definitely say it in a more colorful fashion in this episode so if you don’t like hearing the f bomb.. press skip!

Also we will be talking about areas in our lives that cover sensitive topics so this is your trigger warning that we will be talking about murder, domestic violence, abuse, sudden loss, divorce and areas of mental health.

Be good to yourselves and remember you are worthy of good things in your lives.

We love you!

Stay Wild.


Jamie & Steph

Make sure to check out our fellow Podcasters on Spoiler They Died, Drinking and Smoking in Space, Eyes Forward March and so many others on the Creative Brain Candy Network!

Music provided by St. Finnikin