Month: October 2017

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta

In part 2 (Episode 9) Garrick, Crowley, and Joao from the Cantina Cast discuss their thoughts and impressions from Battlefront 2. They talk about the classes, the changes from the first Battlefront, and address the community overreaction to EA’s planned

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Star Wars Retro Gaming

In Episode 8 (part one of a two part podcast) Garrick and Crowley welcome Joao from The Cantina Cast to the show to discuss some retro Star Wars games.

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Episode 7: Destiny 2

In this month’s episode, Garrick and Crowley extol the virtues of Destiny 2 (also known as Destiny, Too; Destiny Also; and Destiny As Well) and whether or not you should Buy it or Blast it. When Crowley is done whining about not having PS4 friends, they

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