Ep. 167 – Reminiscence (2021)

This week Jason and Rob take a journey down nostalgia lane as they talk about the girth of rockets and which way they point, Rob brings more superhero news to a sci-fi show and the rather disappointing films released in the last year as they discuss 2021’s Reminiscence.

Matrix 4 Title – https://screencrush.com/the-matrix-4-official-title/

Live Action Harley Quinn – https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/exclusive-harley-quinn-series.html

Traversable Wormholes – https://www.livescience.com/traversable-wormholes-modified-gravity.html

Astra went Sideways – https://twitter.com/djsnm/status/1431747444258213889

Blue Origins Rocket / Dildo – https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/tldr/2021/8/26/22642560/blue-origins-new-shephard-model-rocket-estes

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